1.4 billion Chinese will visit your store!

Da Zhong Dian Ping

Go-to overseas travel platform for Chinese

Service launch procedure

① Franchise customization consulting

② Contract execution based on the consulting

③ Collecting franchise base information and publication

  • Company name : in Chinese or English
  • Address : address in English
  • Hours of operation (open, close, break time)

④ Franchise picture and registered images

  • Recommended resolution : 800x600 (px)
  • Image size : 500kib (max)
  • Images of contract information, QR code, advertisement, or inappropriate images are not allowed.
  • Phrases which may trigger misinformation such as gold medal, crown, top pf the industry, 1st place, etc. are not allowed.

⑤ Video (option)

  • Recommended resolution : 720p (180 x 720 @ 30fps)
  • Video size : 300MiB (max)
  • Restrictions are same as those of image.

⑥ Brand story, owner’s greeting, store feature, etc.

  • Must be expressed in Chinese
    FK Co., Ltd. will help you with the Chinese expression.
  • Restrictions are same as those of image.

⑦ Recommendation menu setting

⑧ Marketing service solution registration

⑨ Store information will be activated in Da Zhong Dian Ping

Please contact us for more information.